Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 1:00 PM until 2:00 PMCanada Central Standard Time UTC -06:00
Dr. William Riddell Centre (RC)University Drive WestRegina, SK S4S 0A2Canada
Join us for an engaging afternoon to explore the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies! This event will feature interactive activities showcasing the innovative work happening in their Wet/Dry Labs.
This event highlights one of the many diverse programs within the Faculty of Arts, demonstrating how geography and environmental studies contribute to a broader understanding of our world. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the labs and the map library, gaining insights into the department's cutting-edge research and teaching methods. Additionally, there will be a demonstration of GIS tools, providing a hands-on experience that highlights the importance of geographic information systems in today's world.
12:30 p.m. - Check In1:00 p.m. - Welcome1:05 p.m. - Lab Sessions1:35 p.m. - MAP Library Tour1:50 p.m. - Why Study Arts2:00 p.m. - Event End